Research into Ketamine as the primary sedation agent for mechanically ventilated patients on ICU

18th Jul 2023

Dr Nick Richards, an ICU doctor and researcher at the University of Leeds / St James's University Hospital, Leeds, is currently undertaking a PhD looking at new sedative options for mechanically ventilated patients on ICU, in particular using ketamine as a primary sedative agent and requests your participation.

He reports:

"Why have I been chosen?

Before we conduct a large-scale randomised controlled trial (RCT) of ketamine sedation, we need to explore current sedation practices, as well as investigate staff attitudes, views, and experiences that could potentially influence sedative choice on ICU. This will help predict barriers to implementation (organisational, cultural, or practical) and will allow us to plan accordingly when designing any subsequent randomised controlled trial.

As a member of the critical care team I am interested in hearing your views and opinions as well as current practices where you work.

What will happen if I take part?

I have put together a short survey (approx. 15-20mins) aimed at doctors, ICU nurses, and ACCPs of all experience levels, and would be extremely grateful if you could complete it.

These responses will be recorded anonymously and therefore we ask that all responses be kept free of any potentially identifiable information. Common answers, ideas, thoughts, and themes across the questionnaires will be highlighted and analysed, and will provide representative samples from different regions.

The more critical care people I hear from the better, as this will help give a representative overview of what is occurring currently, as well as highlighting potential barriers to future sedative interventions. This is an opportunity for you to help shape future research.

Link to survey:

The survey has University of Leeds ethical approval and HRA approval, and the contact details can be found by following the above link should you wish to ask any further questions.




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