BACCN Journal Club
Welcome to the BACCN Virtual Journal Club.
A Journal Club is an educational meeting in which a group of individuals discuss current articles providing a forum for collective effort to keep up with the literature. There are many advantages in participating in a journal club, including keeping abreast of new knowledge, promoting awareness of current nursing research findings, learning to critique research, becoming familiar with the best current clinical research, and encouraging research utilization.
We will select either a clinical or non-clinical research article that provides questions and discussion points to stimulate a discussion where we can evaluate new research and its applicability to critical care nursing practice.
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About Journal Club
Each month in preparation for the journal club we'll post the reference to the research article that will be under discussion with a review template to enable you to make some notes in preparation of the journal club if you chose. It would be beneficial if you read the article in advance of the discussion; however, it is not mandatory. The reference and the link to the virtual platform will be available on the BACCN Website (and across our various social media platforms) two weeks prior to the scheduled Journal Club date.
Each session will last 60 min in total. A facilitator will spend the first 30 minutes summarizing the key points from the research article. The facilitators will be experienced members of the National Board; however, other members interested in facilitating will be offered the opportunity to do so.
The second half of the session will be a facilitated discussion where everybody is encouraged to consider the feasibility, appropriateness, the meaningfulness and effectiveness (FAME) of the research findings to their own area of clinical practice. If possible, we will invite the authors of the research article or an expert in the field to help facilitate discussion. The emphasis of the facilitated discussion will be drawing on your own personal experiences exploring how research evidence may shape the art and science of critical care nursing.
Join us and let's keep the conversation going...
Future Journal Clubs
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BACCN / IACCN and NICC Journal Club: We are glad to announce that we will be expanding our joint virtual journal club from March 2024 onward and offer you a bi-monthly opportunity to join us in discussing the evidence base of our practice.
Next Journal Club
The Journal club will take place on Zoom which can be accessed via your desk top or App.
Register at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Preparing for Journal Club
In preparation for the journal club you could use the following questions to guide your review of the article prior to joining us:
• What was the overall purpose of the study?
• What methods were used?
• Identify the main results?
• Identify some of the strengths and weaknesses, what could've been done to improve the study? Did the authors achieve what they set out to achieve?
• Identify the implications of the results found and whether you think they may or may not influence your practice beneficially or adversely?
• What further research might be carried out in the future?
• Consider the feasibility, appropriateness, the meaningfulness and effectiveness (FAME) of the research findings to their own area of clinical practice.
Full participation in the Journal Club will be eligible for 1 hour of direct learning for revalidation purposes (each participant will receive a certificate of attendance) We would also post a recording of the Journal Club on the BACCN members’ website.
Guidance for producing a session for Virtual Journal Club
If you any questions and or need help with the online platform being used please email: (BACCN Journal Club Facilitator)
Past Journal Clubs
Recordings of past Journal Clubs can now be found in the members area HERE
Sept 2024 - Critical care nursing policy, practice, and research priorities: An international cross-sectional study will Ged Williams
May 2024 - A case study of cardiogenic shock to survival: Critical Care Outreach and Focused Cardiac Ultrasound
March 2024 - The impact of COVID-19 on mental health and well-being in critical care nurses – a longitudinal, qualitative study
November 2023 - Mild Hypercapnia or Normocapnia after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.
June 2023 - Reducing failure to rescue rates in a paediatric in-patient setting: A 9-year quality improvement study
February 2023 - "Early active mobilization during mechanical ventilation in ICU" by the TEAM Study Investigators and the ANZICS Clinical Trail Group
January 2021 - Developing the nursing associate role in a critical care unit
March 2021 - Nurses' experiences of caring for patients during a prolonged critical illness
May 2021 - A 5-year retrospective audit of prescribing by a critical care outreach team
July 2021 - RAND appropriateness panel to determine the applicability of UK guidelines on the management of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and other strategies in the context of the COVID19 pandemic
January 2020 - What influences the nurses' decision to mobilise the critically ill patient?
March 2020 - Sustainability in critical care practice: a grounded theory study
May 2020 - Stress management interventions for intensive and critical care nurses: a systematic review
July 2020 - Factors influencing oral care in intubated intensive care patients
September 2020 - The effects of noise levels on pain, anxiety, and sleep in patients
November 2020 - Outcome of improved care bundle in acute respiratory failure patients