True Colours Wellbeing Award 2023

BACCN True Colours Wellbeing Award: As part of our ongoing commitment to support the Critical Care nursing community the BACCN invited Critical Care Professional Nurse Advocates to apply for funding to support a work project related to enhancing the physical and mental health and wellbeing of nurses within Critical Care.


The 2023 Awardees are:


June Taylor - Retreats at the Quadrangle

Kathy Yorke - PNA Implementation Strategy for the Critical Care Unit: Deployment (Wellbeing Wednesdays)

Read her report HERE

Joanna Mann - Facing the Future: Re-building our Intensive Care Team (Appreciation Days)

Read her report HERE


Information about the application and awards process is for reference below:

The Project:

  • Should aim to enhance the physical and mental health and wellbeing of nurses working within Critical Care.
  • Can focus on either staff or organisational issues.
  • Must align with the mission of the BACCN. The mission statement of the BACCN may be found here:
  • In line with other charities, this award will only fund direct project costs and will not fund staff salaries. Direct costs may include for example transcription, statistician, administration, or research assistant services.
  • Must be completed within one year of being awarded the award.

The Applicant:

  • Applicants must be working as a Professional Nurse Advocate in Critical Care in the UK.
  • Each applicant may only apply to one BACCN funding stream per year.
  • All communication with the applicant will be via

The Application Process:

  • You must complete this application form correctly and email it to before the appropriate closing date.
  • The closing deadline will be 16.00 for all application dates on each of following: 1st of March, 1st of June and 1st of September
  • All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application in writing within 2 weeks of the relevant closing date.
  • Applications will be de-identified and sent out for blind peer review by members of the BACCN National Board & CC3N.
  • The top three finalists for each funding period will be invited to present (in person or virtually) to a group of 3 representatives of the BACCN National Board & CC3N
  • Finalist presentations will take place on the following dates:
    - 1st of March 2023 period will present via zoom meeting on 14th March 2023
    - 1st of June 2023 period will present via zoom meeting at the end of June 2023
    - 1st of September 2023 will present at the BACCN Annual Conference (in person if a delegate at the conference or via Zoom) 
  • All applicants will be informed of the result within 48 hours of their presentation.

Your application must include:

  • A Project Proposal (Maximum 2500 words) which should include: Introduction, Action, Plan, Budget and proposed Project Evaluation stating how the project will benefit the physical and mental health and wellbeing of nurses working within Critical Care.
  • A summary curriculum vitae of the applicant (1 side of A-4 only)

The Award:

  • There will only be x 1 award per funding period.
  • Each award will be £2100 and 1 BACCN Unit Membership (which is worth £400).
  • We’ve reviewed and adjusted some of the feedback criteria to make it less onerous to you and your team whilst still maintaining good financial governance in terms of both BACCN and True Colours. The lead applicant for the project is expected to present an update on the overall progress at the next planned joint BACCN & CC3N PNA webinar due to take place in March 2024 followed by writing a short report for the news section of the BACCN “Nursing in Critical Care” journal.

Please find the application form HERE