NCEPOD Acute Bowel Obstruction study - Call for Reviewers
19th Jul 2018
The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) has been commissioned to undertake a national study to look at the care of patients admitted to hospital with acute bowel obstruction.
NCEPOD are currently recruiting a group of clinicians (reviewers) whose main role will be to review the case notes and questionnaires. This group will also review the initial findings later in the process, with the study due for publication in late 2019.
The deadline for applicants/nominations is Wednesday 8th August 2018.
The first meeting (training day) is booked for Thursday 13th September. It would be preferable for the nominee to be available to attend this meeting, although it doesn't necessarily preclude their involvement in the study if they can’t as there will be other opportunities for training.
For more information please see advert HERE
Please also See Study protocol HERE