Twitter Chat - January #baccnstep4

15th Jan 2019

Thank you to those people who joined our 8th January Twitter chat on 'managing ICU and step 4 competencies' #baccnstep4. 

The step 4 competencies were developed by the Critical Care Networks-  National Nurse Leads (CC3N) to build on steps 1-3, which developed care of the patient, to enable leadership and management skills.  All the details are available on CC3N website at and free to download.  It was fantastic to have some of CC3N members involved in the Twitter discussion.

The discussion highlighted how management has been an under-developed aspect of critical care practice. Before introduction of the step 4 competencies few of the shift leaders had received any specific training about this element specifically for ICU, although some had done leadership training.  Those using step 4 were positive that it gave them direction for learning the role. 

The chat noted how ICU staff are still moved to cover staff shortages on wards and this created a challenge for shift leaders along with skill mix concerns.  However, supporting shift leaders through mentoring into the role was beneficial.

One thread noted the difficulty that the steps are not available nationally electronically. Highlighted the cost implications of this and who might have resources to implement and monitor this.

Please find a wakelet summary of our chat you can use for revalidation purposes:

#baccnstep4 - Wakelet

BACCN Twitter Chat


Hoping that you can join us for the next Twitter chat on Tuesday 5th February where we'll be able to help and guide anyone writing a #BACCNConf2019  abstract #baccnabstract

Thank you from @AnnPriceCCCU 

Journal Liaison 

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