
  1. Plenary and Oral Presentations
  2. Posters

Plenary and Oral Presentations


S01: Keynote: “Making the invisible, visible” Understanding nursing as a safety critical workforce Prof Alison Leary, Chair of Healthcare & Workforce Modelling, LSBU


S02: Keynote: Leadership…not for the few, not even for the many…but for every nurse Stacy Johnson MBE, Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham in the School of Health Science


Retention Retention Retention, helping fix the leaking bucket: An overview of CC3N National Adult Critical Care Nursing Workforce Retention Survey Karen Wilson & UKCCNA Panel Discussion


S04: Keynote: Sustainability in Critical Care Dr Heather Baid RN PhD SFHEA, Principal Lecturer, School of Health Sciences, Intensive Care Pathway Leader, BSc (Hons) Clinical Practice Course Leader


C01: An Evaluation of Stay Interviews on the Neuro Critical Care Unit: Alison Rourke, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust


C02: Rebuilding a Critical Care Nursing Workforce Post Pandemic: Ruth Tullock, Leeds Teaching Hospitals


C03: Introducing Registered Nursing Associates to Critical Care: A pilot: Francesca Craddock and Lisa Enoch, Cambridge University Hospital


C04: The role of the Registered Nursing Associates and prevention of role creep within critical care: Karen Wilson, CC3N / Cheshire and Mersey Critical Care Network


C05: Prone to MSKI Sharon Rindsland, Moving and Handling Senior Co-Ordinator Trust Wide, East Kent Hospitals University Foundation Trust


C06: Introducing Sustained Low Efficiency Dialysis (SLED) in Intensive Care at Royal Derby Hospital: Angela Evans, Royal Derby Hospital


C07: Service evaluation of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Link Nurses’ programme: Peachiammal Subramanian, Royal London Hospital


C09: Spotlight on Rehabilitation; a national update: Dr David McWilliams, Clinical Academic Physiotherapist/Associate Professor for Research, Centre for Care Excellence, University Hospitals Coventry


C10: Promoting wellbeing in critical care staff: The impact of a peer-to-peer positive feedback system: Ella Osborn and Jo Percival, Harrogate District Foundation Trust


C11: The Critical Care Restoration Rainbow: Kerry Wright, Hayley Knowles, Sarah Dow, Kim Gill, Adult Critical Care Quality, Governance and Education Leads, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust


C12: Critical Care Wellbeing Month: Sally Stretton, Nottingham University Hospitals


C13: Liberty Singers - how music helps to break down barriers: Kari Olsen-Porthouse, Choir Director, ICU Liberty Singers


C14: An Introduction to the Florence Nightingale Foundation: Gemma Stacey, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Florence Nightingale Foundation


C15: Respiratory Assessent: Natasha Loughrey, Critical Care Course Lecturer, Bucks New University


C16:Guiding Your Team to Greater Autonomy: Kirsty Bennett, Avanos Key Account Manager – Digestive Health


C17: Right Line, Right Now! Expanding vascular access skills for the ICU Michele De Fazio, Vascular Clinical Specialist and Hayleigh Haggerty, Senior Vascular Clinical Affairs Manager


C18: The impact of introducing a Family Care Nurse onto a Neurosurgical Critical Care Unit: Charlotte Smith, Leeds General Infirmary


C19: Translating evidence into practice; dissemination and utilisation Sarah Vollam, Critical Care Nurse Researcher, Nuffield Dept of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, UK


C20: Utilising QI methodology in critical care: best practice Rosie Cervera-Jackson, Lead Nurse Critical Care Education and Development, Royal Brompton


C21: Introduction of a visitor’s guide app in the critical care setting: George Kerrison and Oliver Frost, Nottingham University Hospital


C22: Nurse led telephone follow-up screening for ICU survivors: Katie Susser, Guys and St Thomas NHS Trust


C23: “Hello, How are you?” Evaluating the value of Nurse-led Telephone Follow-up clinics: Cat Yates, Addenbrookes


C24: How the Dragon’s Den funding supported a speech recognition app as a communication aid for critical care patients with tracheostomies: Carla McClintock, Queen’s University Belfast/WHSCT


C25: Tracheostomy patients care - A collaborative overview of Veterinary and human centred nursing: Laura Edwards and Hannah Sharp, The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Hospital for Small Ani


C27: Collaborative Regional Benchmarking Group - the impact of benchmarking across three critical care networks: Alison Richmond, West Yorkshire Critical Care Operational Delivery Network


C28: Recruitment and Retention Strategy in Critical Care: Brigid Wimpress and Jennifer Stint, Cambridge University Hospital


C29: We are here to learn: The experiences of clinical nurse educators facilitating interprofessional simulation-based education: Katherine Hill, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow


C30: Advancing ICU Early Mobilisation Using Therapeutic Seating, Martin Tierney, Seating Matters


Clinical Research Case Studies C32: Eleanor Douglas, Physiotherapist and OT & PT Clinical Lead for Critical Care, Nottingham University Hospitals, NHS Trust


C33: Dr Dan Hadfield, Critical Care Nurse Research Fellow, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


C35: A Proposal for Airway Workshops Utilising Simulation: Anna Tchorzewska, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT)


C36: Right Line, Right Now! Expanding vascular access skills for the ICU Michele De Fazio, Vascular Clinical Specialist and Hayleigh Haggerty, Senior Vascular Clinical Affairs Manager, Teleflex


C37: Embedding the role of the Professional Nurse Advocare: A National Approach: Karen Wilson, CC3N/Cheshire and Mersey Critical Care Network


C38: Psychosocial Needs of Critically Ill Adult Patients Requiring Therapeutic Plasma Exchange and the Support Needs of their Families: A Systematic Review: Mary Grace Anne Batalla, GSTT


C39: Instruments to measure post-intensive care syndrome: a scoping review : Yuan Chu, University College Dublin


C40: The development and evaluation of a virtual critical care outpatient group: Joy McAdam, Cambridge University Hospitals


C42: Becoming an ACCP. What happens when you get what you want.: Rowan Grieves, Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast


C43: Too Unstable to Turn: Hayley Knowles, Nottingham University Hospitals


C44: Implementation of Maternal Critical Care Competencies: Clare Llewellyn and Evie Clegg, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust


C45: ECG monitoring analysis: Ian Naldrett, Associate Director of Nursing, Surgery and Critical Care, North Middlesex NHS Trust, Associate Lecturer at University of West London


C46: Arterial blood gas analysis: Rebecca Sumnall, Education and Practice Development Sister, University Hospital of Leicester NHS Trust


C47: A Pilot Service Evaluation of the Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA) Programme in Adult Critical Care: Marina Beckwith, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust


C48: Implementing and embedding the Professional Nurse Advocate role in Critical Care - a service evaluation of the first five months: Ruby Shaikh, Guy’s and St.Thomas’ NHS Trust


C49: Implementing PNA - Group supervision via MS Teams: Be Baxter-Heyes, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS


C50: Targeted temperature management in patients with haemorrhage, or stroke: updated consensus recommendations by the Neuroprotective Therapy Consensus Review (NTCR) group: Dr Ileana Antonopoulou


C51: Prevalence of pressure injury in Australian ICUs and C52: Incidence and characteristics of hospital-acquired mucous membrane pressure injury in ICU: Professor Paul Fulbrook, Australia


C53: The impact of Critical Care Nurses in a Resource Limited Intensive Care Setting: Chris Carter and Joy Notter, Birmingham City University


C54: Building Critical Care Capacity in a Low-middle Income Country: Lisa Enoch and Gayle Brunskill, CUH


C55: Palliative and End of Life Care on CCU - Perspectives Across the MDT: Elizabeth Parham, Royal Marsden Hospital


C56: Intensive Care Nurses’ Lived Experience of Supporting End-of-life Care in the Adult Intensive Care Unit in Hong Kong: Martin Christensen, Hong Kong Polytechnic University


C57: Where are we now and what’s in the future? A Research update for palliative and end-of-life care in critical care: Natalie Pattison, Sally Humphreys & Stephanie Meddick-Dyson, Co-Chairs, (EPCIN)


C58: Analysing Chest X-rays: Jonathan Downham, Advanced Clnical Practitioner within Critical Care, Associate Professor University of Warwick


C59: Neurological assessment: Filipa Monteiro, Senior Staff Nurse, Critical Care, Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust


C60: “Like fighting a fire with a water pistol”: a theoretically informed study of the impact on critical care nurses working through the pandemic: Louise McCallum and Teresa Scott


C61: “The terror and the pride”: a theoretically informed, mixed method study of the impact on redeployed nurses of working in ICU during the pandemic: Pam Ramsay, University of Dundee


C62: Micro projects and marginal gains making a big difference: Sarah Heathcote, Nottingham University Hospitals


C63: Throw away your plastic pentorch: time for a novel environmentally sustainable smartphone pupillometer: Ivo John, King’s College Hospital NHS Trust


C64: A Team Sport: the introduction of Cardiac ERAS (Enhanced Recovery after Surgery) in CTICU: Myrna Scott, St. George’s Hospital, London


C65: The Effectiveness of the Blended Learning Approach in Enhancing Nurses Confidence, in Recognising and Responding to Patient Deterioration : Lyndsay Habberfield, University Hospitals Sussex


C66: “End-of-Life care: space for your questions and reflections” Natalie Pattison, Sally Humphreys & Stephanie Meddick-Dyson, Co-Chairs, End of Life & Palliative Care in the ICU Network (EPCIN)


C67: Initial major burn management: Size, Depth and fluids workshop: Nicole Lee, Matron of the Burns service at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, Lead Nurse for the London and South East Burns Ntwk

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P01: Family Engagement and Empowerment (FEE) in Delirium: Anu Baby, Manchester Royal Infirmary, MFT


P02: Improving Communication Around Delirium Status through a Newly Astablished Critical Care ANP Service: Erika Shanley, University Hospital Limerick


P03: Implementing Positive Approaches to Behaviour, De-escalation, and Disengagement Training: Laura Colston, University Hospital Southampton


P04: Does Simulation-based Training Increase Perceived Confidence and Ability to Address Demanding Communication Situations within Critical Care?: Kathleen Jones, Guy’s and St. Thomas NHS FT


P05: A Remodelling of the Multi-Disciplinary team Meeting on a Neuro-Critical Care Unit: Robyn Davies, Addenbrookes Hospital


P06: What 3 Words? - An Interactive Staff Survey to Identify Staff Opinion and Guide Pastoral Care and Education in Critical Care: Louise Lancaster, Southport Hospital


P07: The Pause - Introduction of a Protected Minutes Silence after the Death of a Patient in Critical Care: Melanie Pinnington, Southport Hospital


P08: Exploring Hong Kong General Ward Nurses’ Experiences of Transitional Care for Patients Discharges from ICU: Martin Christensen, Hong Kong Polytechnic University


P09: The Lived Experience of Paediatric Nurse-Caregiver Relationship in the PICU: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study: Martin Christensen, Hong Kong Polytechnic University


P10: Teaching Compassionate Leadership to Students: Katie Burns, University of Nottingham


P11: Investing in Critical Care Education with a New Blended Steps Programme: Lizzie Ayton, St James University Hospital


P12: CCOT Takes the Lead in SEPSIS: Misha Denise Virtudazo, Chelsea & Westminster Hospitals NHS FDN Trust


P13: Utilising an E-Observations System (Systems C) Within a Large Tertiary Hospital: Sophie Praill and Tahlia Williamson, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston


P14: Inclusivity of the Deteriorating Patient: Sarah Penkett, Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care Organisation NHS Foundation Trust


P15: A First in Man Study of a Novel Device to Aid Early Detection of Poor Perfusion and Acute Deterioration in Critically Ill Patients: Ingrid Hass, University College Hospital, London


P16: Sustainability Practice in Critical Care Through SAT and SBT: Alejandro Suarez, Tunbridge Wells Hospital


P17: Improving Nurse Compliance Performing Epicardial Pacing Safety Checks on a Cardiothoracic Surgical ITU: Michele Stevens, St Georges University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


P18: Registered Nurses’ Knowledge and Interpretation of ECG Rhythms: A Cross-sectional Study: Martin Christensen, Hong Kong Polytechnic University


P19: Advanced Nurse Practitioner led Nasojejunal (NJ) Tube Insertion in Critical Care Patients: Bindu Sam Cherian, Mater Misercordiae University Hospital


P20: Auditing the Rate of Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy (CKRT) Supplied at London Teaching Hospital: Mikaela Hjerpe, Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust


P21: The Present Practice Methods of Dressing Care in ICU Patients with Central Catheter Lines: Jeremay Lee, The Wellington Hospital


P23: Changing Lives in Life-Changing Events: Creation of Stoma Link Nurse Role in Critical Care: Mary Grace Anne Batalla, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust


P24: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceived Barriers Regarding Pain Assessment and Management Among Thai Critical Care Nurses: An Exploratory Cross-Sectional: Martin Christensen, Hong Kong Polytechnic


P27: Exploring the Impact of Simulation-Based Education for Critical Care Burn Nurses Caring for a Patient who has Experienced a Burn: Ruth Desmond, University of the West of Scotland


P28: Interventions to Improve Nurses’ Readiness to Unplanned Electronic Patient Record Downtimes: Peachiammal Subramanian, Royal London Hospital


P29: Introducing a Digital Approach to Intentional Rounding in Critical Care, Fusing Audit with Teaching: Vicky Thwaites, Harefield Hospital


P30: Introducing SLEEP Hygiene in ICU: Kelly McClelland, Royal Derby Hospital


P31: Band 5 leadership Rotation Project: Leah Pope, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust


P32: Oxygen therapy in critical care: Maria Mullen, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells -Tunbridge Wells Hospital


P33: Neuroscience Critical Care education in London: Peachiammal Subramanian, Royal London Hospital


P34: NICU Bitesize Education Programme: Emma Priestley, St Georges Hospital


P35: Critical Care Cardiac Module - Level 7: Kathleen Jones, Guy’s and St. Thomas NHS Foundation Trust


P36: Simulation Based Refresher Course for New Starters in Critical Care Unit: Sheba John, Manchester Royal Infirmary, MFT

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