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- Events
- News
- NICC Annual Report
- Invitation for nominations for Honorary Fellowship
- Survey to explore current practices related to weighing patients in Intensive Care Units
- Intensive Care Environmental Sustainability Recipe Book launched
- Invitation for participation in a survey around chest drain complications
- One health: unique critical care approach for nursing
- Second edition of Critical Care Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures published
- PNA implementation guidance launched
- Nursing in Critical Care: Expressions of interest in the post of Social Media Associate Editor
- Rehabilitation following Critical illness study
- Effects of Exposure to Death and Dying on Belief Systems
- Research Support Opportunity: CoReCCT - a new concept in respiratory critical care research
- EDI Policy Workshop
- Invitation for nominations for Honorary Fellowship
- Research on ICU Staff Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Towards Working with Patients with Mental Illness.
- UKCCNA Workforce optimisation plan
- Developing person-centred outcome measures in end-of-life care in critical care (PEACE-COS Study)
- ICU Nurses knowledge & attitudes towards Transgender Patients
- Sepsis Research Priorities: Phase 2 Now Live
- Call for reviewers for Nursing in Critical Care
- Results of 2023 Membership Survey
- Care of Non-tunnelled Central Venous Catheters in United Kingdom Critical Care Units: Focus Group
- Care of Non-tunnelled Central Venous Catheters in United Kingdom Critical Care Units: Survey
- New Nursing in Critical Care Co-Editor-in-Chief
- 39th Annual BACCN Conference 2024 has launched!
- Critical Care Playscript
- Applications are invited for the position of co-Editor-in-Chief of Nursing in Critical Care
- BACCN Regional Awards
- Updating the BACCN Position Statement on Visiting Adult Critical Care Units
- The UK Health Alliance on Climate Change has recently launched a report on biodiversity, climate change and health.
- Board Changes
- Honorary Fellowships 2023 announced
- Your input requested to shape the future of sepsis research!
- The End-of-Life Care For All (e-ELCA) elearning programme now features a new session on recognising palliative care needs.
- Take part in a survey on the topic of difficult intravenous access (DIVA).
- Patient safety modules launched for acute care professionals
- Membership Survey - complete to win!
- New learning path supports equality diversity and inclusion in end-of-life care
- Organ and Tissue Donation eLearning Package is now live!
- Research into Ketamine as the primary sedation agent for mechanically ventilated patients on ICU
- Join us as part of the BACCN National Board and help make a difference!
- New handbook supports healthcare support workers throughout their career
- Invitation for nominations for Honorary Fellowship
- Request to evaluate a new NIHR-funded film about communication with patients
- Gloves Off!
- Research into decision-making about the withdrawal of treatment at the end of life in intensive care
- What is most important for prolonged-stay ICU patients and their family members?
- Survey of Digital Interventions to Support Families of Adult Intensive Care patients
- Expressions of Interest for the Position of Editorial Intern
- Take part in research to examine the end-of-life education provided to critical care nurses.
- Share your views on an Iatrogenic Withdrawal Syndrome (IWS) assessment
- Call for participants!
- Are you willing to share & explore your experiences & narratives of being a female ITU nurse #COVID-19
- Clinical Reference Group Stakeholder Registration
- Join the BACCN National Board!
- Obituary - Pat Ashworth (1930- 2023)
- Call for reviewers for Nursing in Critical Care
- Has the pandemic had an impact on your attitude toward vaccination? Your opinion matters!
- UKCCNA Position Statement: Nurse Staffing –17th Jan 2023
- Critical Care Susnet Sharing Hour: 6 Feb 3 pm - 4 pm
- BACCN Statement on Social Justice
- A Journey Through Transfer Medicine - Free course
- Your Skills Pass - Healthcare
- RCN Strike action and critical care nursing: a position statement from UKCCNA
- Clinical guidance on Supply disruption: Baxter dual chamber blood giving sets
- Survey on changes to organ donation legislation.
- VCCN are looking for RNs
- ICU nurse views requested for research trial.
- Adult Sepsis Risk Matrix
- Fatigue after critical illness.
- ICS - Unexpected Death of a Colleague First Aid Kit
- NICC - Expressions of interest in the post of Infographics Associate Editor
- HSIB Report - The use of an appropriate flush fluid with arterial lines
- We have Moved!
- Embedding sustainability in governance, structure and culture - Virtual Roundtable
- Study into your self-care and wellbeing activities
- The Critical Care Susnet Sharing Hour
- Donation Actions Framework released
- Intensive Care Society Thriving at Work Events Summer-Winter 2022
- Joint ICS and UKCCNA Position Statement on Critical Care Staffing Standards, June 2022
- National infection prevention and control manual for England publication
- Oral Care in Critical Care
- Invitation to contribute to research
- NICE rapid guideline on NG191 Managing COVID-19
- International Council of Nurses launches #NursesforPeace social media campaign
- Critical Care Nurse Consultant Project
- From the Frontline
- Vacancies for a Team Leader and Band 5 & 6 Nurses
- New Paediatric Digital Skills Passports
- Investigation into Arterial Line Safety
- Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch Report
- Research Study calls for clinicians who currently deliver frontline care to adult critical care patients in the UK
- No Trace = Wong Place: Unrecognised oesophageal intubation
- Workforce wellbeing best practice framework
- Adult Critical Care - GIRFT Programme National Specialty Report
- Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines 2021
- Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) national report for adult critical care
- Survey on changes to organ donation legislation.
- UKCCNA Position Statement: Critical Care Nurse Staffing during Surge: September 2021
- NICE rapid guideline on ‘Managing COVID-19’
- Intensive Care Society: Guidance on the transfer of the critically ill patient to the outdoors
- BACCN AGM and Conference Welcome Reception!
- Research Study - Minimising Sedation in Intensive Care patients
- British Thoracic Society: Respiratory Support Units
- UK healthcare leaders unite:
- Research Study - Patient Safety in Critical Care during the COVID-19 crisis in the UK
- Opportunity to Participate in a Research Study
- ERC Guidelines 2021
- Intensive Care Society: Levels of Adult Critical Care Second Edition Consensus Statement
- APPG: Parliamentary hearing on the wellbeing of frontline staff and NHS capacity with BACCN Chair Nicki Credland and Elaine Thorpe
- Review of Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic: interim report
- Guidance for the Use of Physical Restraints in UK Adult Intensive Care Areas
- Steps Framework for Adult Critical Care Nurses
- NCEPOD Report - In hospital care of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests: Time Matters
- Intensive Care Society: Recovery and restitution of critical care services during the COVID-19 pandemic policy statement
- Digital Critical Care Skills Passport for RSC and NRSS roles
- Guide for international nurses during COVID-19
- ICS News Statement: Ethical considerations for inter-hospital patient transfer & unit capacity
- UKCCNA release final Position Statement on Nurse Staffing During COVID-19
- ICU staff release song Every Breath You Take
- Florence Nightingale Comes Home
- UKCCNA Position Statement: Emergency Nurse Staffing for COVID-19: Wave 2 (Nov 2020)
- Nursing Times Covid-19: Are You OK? campaign
- Two one-day courses (Covid-19 and REHAB) for non-ICU staff
- Thank you to BACCN for contributing to The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Critical Care Resources and Providers: A Global Survey
- Renal Replacement Therapy Clinical Guidelines for best practice and service resilience during COVID19
- Today, we mark 105 years since the death of Edith Cavell
- Feedback from our Hamper Winner Louise Norris
- NHS England release updated Clinical Guidelines for use in a major incident
- #BACCNConf2020 Twitter Round-Up
- BAPEN Nasogastric Tube Special Interest Group have released a position paper on “Putting patient safety first” this #WorldPatientSafetyDay!
- In the lead up to World Sepsis Day on the 13th of September please find these very relevant reports published this week
- BACCN release evidence-based consensus paper for oral care within adult critical care units
- Opportunity to join the BACCN National Board
- COVID-19 pandemic personal protective equipment (PPE): Guidance for intensive care
- Obituary Mr Philip Woodrow
- Acute Kidney Injury in COVID-19 Caring for Patients Requiring Alternative Renal Replacement Therapy in Critical Care Units
- BACCN Twitter Chat Report, June 2020
- BACCN and Rehablegend parkrun postponed
- Message from BACCN Conference Director on May's Florence Nightingale Webinar chat and our theme for our 2020 Virtual Conference
- ICM ENHANCED CARE: Guidance on service development in the hospital setting
- Bridging guidance for Critical Care during the restoration of NHS Services
- BACCN supports "No mask for mental health" campaign
- Critical Care Nurses worldwide to join together in celebrating the Florence Nightingale bicentenary on the 12th of May.
- The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and BACCN release joint statement re Second phase NHS response and impact on Critical Care
- March Twitter Chat - Staff Moves Across the Organisation
- Joint Position Statement from EFN, EfCCNa & European Society of Emergency nurses
- Survey - Spiritual Care in Intensive Care Units
- BACCN and #rehablegend parkrun Takeover
- Pediatric Patient in Adult ICU
- Attendance at the Health Care Conferences UK
- BACCN Journal Club
- BACCN Twitter Chat #baccnenhanced
- NCEPOD "Acute Bowel Obstruction: Delay in Transit"
- December Twitter Chat #pets
- Scholarship Opportunities for BACCN Members - Women & Leadership Program
- Shibu Chacko MBE
- November Twitter Chat report #EWS
- NCEPOD Report: Know the Score - out now!
- BACCN Twitter Chat #rude
- Care at the End of Life: A guide to best practice, discussion and decision-making in and around critical care
- NMC "Shaping the Future" five year strategy consultation
- Critical Care Nursing in the Royal Navy
- Human Tissue Authority Consultation
- Transplant Activity Report 2018/19
- July Twitter Chat
- BACCN Central South – Major Incident Simulation Study Day
- Guidelines for the provision of Intensive Care services - Second Edition launched
- June Twitter Chat Report
- Self-efficacy and Competence in Endpoint Resuscitation: a Survey
- Our Grants have been updated, read how they have changed!
- ICS Guidance for the transfer of the Critically Ill Adult Patient
- The International Society of Rapid Response Systems publish landmark consensus document
- Twitter Chat May
- Job Opportunites in Guernsey
- UK Allied Health Professional and Nurses Network for Critical Care Research. ANNCCR newsletter
- EFFCNA report by Pamela Page
- Aidin Mckinney Grant Report
- Membership Survey Results 2019
- Android App is now available!
- Organ Donation Twitter Chat Report
- A day in the life of a Royal Navy Critical Care Nurse
- Twitter Chat - January #baccnstep4
- Twitter Chat - December
- Press release 4 December 2018: Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre welcomes a new Chair
- Access the Nursing In Critical Care Journal App
- Journal Survey the Results
- Competency Framework fo Registered Nurses and Allied Health Professionals
- NCEPOD Acute Bowel Obstruction study - Call for Reviewers
- BACCN Twitter chat #baccntwitter
- BACCN Twitter Chat #baccnerror
- BACCN Twitter Chat #baccnnic
- Physical Rehabilitation Core Outcomes in Critical Illness - Delphi consensus
- BACCN Twitter Chat #spiritualcare
- Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust Award
- Making #BACCNconf accessible for all